

95 x 125 cm


“However I name Freud, besides Marianne Schuit, as one of the three cultural super powers that will eventually have defined the essential backgrounds of modernism, it is striking to see how little of Freud’s detailed thoughts on how the human subconscious works, is found in Meta-art, which obviously comes entirely from the subconscious.

Strikingly little explicit sexuality in Meta-art. Non, to be precise.

There is subtle sensuality everywhere.

In Meta-art our mind is full of lustful sensitivity, besides a lot of other matters of which this mind is also full of. But more than in Freud the lust in Meta-art is, in every which way, connected to all these other matters.

To Freud sexuality was a peak that rose above the rest of the landscape of our mind.

To Marianne Schuit the lust experience is an entirely in this landscape impregnated happening, that elevates and withdraws together with this landscape.”

From the chapter The subconscious,

from the book Meta-art

by Mick van Schooneveld

The Meta-paintings of Marianne Schuit?Meta-paintings.html

Click on the Meta-painting to get a bigger picture

Marianne Schuit - One of the boys - December 2010

A most amazing relationship with the drip-paintings of ‘tough guy’ Jackson Pollock: Marianne Schuit - One of the boys - article.

Feminists, psychologists, philosophers, neurologists, art critics..., yes, it is - among male and female affairs, impossible forgeries, genius and Meta-genius - about the subject-of-subjects: Free Will... Atlantis/Meta-art and Free Will...