Joost J. Lighthart: “2013 is the Year of Meta-art…”
Mick van Schooneveld: “In every respect. Not only is Meta-art popping up like never before, moreover,
to Marianne 2013 seems to be a year like 2007, which I have called an annus mirabilis, ending with
the incredible Who’s afraid of Marianne Schuit.”
JJL: “Yes, but…”
MvS: “2013 seems to be not only the year the international art world couldn’t neglect Meta-art anymore,
it also seems to be a most fruitful year for new Meta-art, with Into the wild probably as its most
breathtaking specimen.”
JJL: “Marianne is feeling the vibes?”
MvS: “I don’t know. I never know what Marianne is feeling at a certain moment in time. Only much later
the Meta-paintings that come from a certain period tell me that there has been something going on
in her mind that obviously needed to get out.”
JJL: “You’ve come to ‘read’ her Meta-paintings that well?”
MvS: “Actually, yes. Which still amazes me. But it is the down right, yet incredible, truth.”
JJL: “Everything you say about Marianne’s Meta-paintings is true?”
MvS: “It sure is. You see, I don’t sell some kind of product. I sell sincerity. Meta-art is extremely sincere, it
would never allow me to say something about it that wouldn’t be true.”
JJL: “Still, people may easily draw the conclusion that you are bragging for sales-reasons.”
MvS: “O, yes, it would be the easiest thing to do, to draw that kind of conclusion. But the inconvenient
truth is that I do in no way like bragging. But if there is truth to be told, even when it may seem like
bragging, I will not hesitate to tell this truth. Especially when Meta-art is concerned. You see, I
can’t help it that Meta-art is just as grand as I say it is, that it transcends everything we’ve ever
encountered in the arts, that it is the end of art as we know it…”
JJL: “That it is the only contemporary artistic expression on par with the 21st century sciences…”
MvS: “Indeed.”
JJL: “Alright, but are you never afraid that Marianne’s Meta-paintings are somehow overshadowed by
what you say about them?”
MvS: “That people will not see them anymore for what they actually are…”
JJL: “Yes.”
MvS: “No, I am not afraid of that at all. Everybody who is willing to take the trouble to come and see
Marianne’s Meta-paintings, will discover that they are as fresh as freshly fallen snow to them.
That’s one of their miraculous qualities. No matter how much I have said about them, in whatever
exuberant way, they are just not touched by even my words. They have too strong a personality to
be touched by whatever thought about them.”
JJL: “Still, a considerable part of the international art world will probably find your words pretty…”
MvS: “At least 70% of the international art world lacks whatever is needed for Meta-art to root in. It is
from the remaining 30% that the awareness has to come that the art world is not enough for
Meta-art, that Meta-art needs a Meta-art world to unfold its insanely comprehensive qualities in
the world.”
JJL: “A Meta-art world?”
MvS: “An art world with a huge overdrive, capable of propelling itself truly into the 21st century.”
JJL: “An art world that has to combine boldness with awareness…”
MvS: “Yes. And a very strong sense of curiosity with the absolute will to really be part of something that
is unique even among the most unique things the arts have to offer.”
JJL: “Do you really think that there are people who combine these qualities?”
MvS: “O yes, I am sure that they exist. They only have to discover that Meta-art exists, what it really
JJL: “And so you speak as loud as you can…”
MvS: “We have to cross oceans and months of not being in the spotlights… Amsterdam is, despite The
Rijksmuseum, The Van Gogh Museum and The Stedelijk Museum, a very quiet and remote place.
To be heard from there you have to bang the drums.”
JJL: “Which once will be part of the incredible story of how Meta-art came into this world…”
MvS: “2013 will be the Year of Meta-art.”