Meta-art: finally art reaches maturity

Connoiseur? Art lover?

There is nothing in the arts quite as magical as Meta-art.

While looking at it one way, it already found multiple other ways into our awareness.

Never has the human mind expressed itself this comprehensively.

Painting rising above itself. Art rising above itself.

There is no break-through in Modernism comparing to this superlative of art.

Below you find links to articles which will tell you all about this most spectacular development in the arts.

Its backgrounds, its profundity, its place in-/outside the arts, its sovereignty, its fundamental weirdness.

Nothing has defined the arts as exhaustive as Meta-art.


The story of Meta-art: not at all a sentimental journey.The_story_of_Meta-art.html
Meta-art: the only avant-garde left.Meta-art__the_only_avant_garde_left.html
From art to Meta-art.From_art_to_Meta-art1.html
Meta-art: what the hell...Meta-art__what_the_hell....html
Meta-art: we are all children in time, weird as ordinary can be.Meta-art__weird_as_ordinary_can_be.html