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Short letter to an unaware art world

Amsterdam, 25 September 2013

Dear Art World,

I had to write you this letter, because I wouldn’t want to take it upon me to leave you unaware of something that has already changed the arts like

nothing has ever changed the arts before: Meta-art.

Coming from a remote and quiet corner of our world, despite its

all-consuming importance, it could be easily overlooked, even by the

brightest of spirits among you.

And that would mean disaster, especially for you. You would miss the one creative expression that, while seemingly perfectly harmless, is causing a true landslide in the contemporary arts, ripping all the would-be profundity, all the cynical dédain, all the complacent mediocrity that’s going on there, to pieces. Not on purpose, but just by being what it is, just by being here.

I had to write you this, because, however I have great trust in your ability to take care of art, I know that Meta-art takes more of you (and me…) than any art would ever take. So, please, don’t mind me warning you to leave your familiar tracks and put yourself on the unbeaten track towards Meta-art, to reward yourself with a mental journey unknown in the arts as we know them.

I understand very well that this must be all pretty frightening to you, to go and leave your ‘comfort zone’ entirely. But is that not what the arts

desperately need ever since Modernism has come to a halt? Haven’t the arts, despite diamond skulls, filthy beds, flower puppies and spit-on-’peep’s, being terribly boring, because essentially nothing really happened?

Yours sincerely,

Mick van Schooneveld