Never was a selection Committee so wrong

than the selection Committee for the Summer Exhibition of 2012 of the Royal Academy of Arts.

          With two of the grandest Meta-paintings ever, Atlantis and Night watch, not making it to this exhibition, no selection

          committee anywhere, at any time in history, has left originality, boldness, esprit, genius and the pioneering spirit of the arts

          so in the cold as this Committee.

               The more than obvious originality and genius, the more than obvious enigmatic character of the named Meta-

               paintings, should have absolutely prevented this Committee from making the biggest mistake ever in the history of

               art contests.

                    And so this leaves us to only one conclusion: the Royal Academy of Arts in London owes Meta-art compensation for

                    spiritual damage done to the greatest development in the arts ever.

                         As far as The Last Step Productions is concerned this compensation should consist of the following penalties:

Penalties Royal Academy of Arts

  1. 1.From now on each official meeting of Royal Academicians begins with each Royal Academician raising a glass of wine to

     Meta-art, saying: “Never again will the Royal Academy take part in any action harmful to the heart and soul of Meta-art.”

    This glass of wine needs not necessarily be a glass of good champagne. But its quality may under no circumstance be less  than

    the quality of a really nice crispy Muscat d’Alsace.

  1. 2.The Royal Academy commits itself to organizing an exhibition of the highest standards on Meta-art within two years  from

      now and will see to it that this exhibition will get all the publicity needed to at least draw as much attention (in terms of media

      attention and number of visitors) as the Summer Exhibition of 2012.

     In combination with this exhibition on Meta-art, the Royal Academy commits itself to organizing an exhibition on the art of

     Mrs. Tracey Emin (RA) as well, running next to the exhibition on Meta-art. The Royal Academy will see to it that a curator

     familiar with the art of Mrs. Emin (RA) sets up an exhibition on this art, highlighting the qualities of this art it is most famous


     The Royal Academy of Arts will grant Mick van Schooneveld the task of writing and assembling a catalogue on both  


     The members of the selection committee responsible for keeping Atlantis and Night watch out off the Summer Exhibition of

      2012, are not allowed to take part in any activities concerning the Meta-art exhibition. They may, however, participate in any

      activity concerning the exhibition of the art of Mrs. Emin (RA) - except the writing and assembling of the above mentioned


3.  The Royal Academy of Arts commits itself to buying a Meta-painting for a price 3 times the market price after the above

  1. 3.  mentioned exhibitions have closed.

    This Meta-painting will be a Meta-painting chosen by a member of The Last Step Productions.

     This Meta-painting will be hung in the Royal Academy at a place of choice of  the same member of The Last Step


     The Royal Academy commits itself to hang a plaque alongside this Meta-painting stating: However Meta-art once was not

     welcome here, it now is a member of this household to keep it remembered of what greatness is all about.

     The details of this plaque (size, kind of font, material...) will be to the likings of the above mentioned member of The Last

      Step Productions.


Of course you want to know why Meta-art is a culture shock of 12 on the scale of Richter, why it is the revolution of revolutions in the arts, why it changes more than anything has ever changed something in the arts.

Fasten your seatbelts!

No matter if you are an RA or not.


Click on the picture to get informed

Night watch

Click on the picture to get informed

For those wondering why it took The Last Step Productions two years to come up with these penalties: ever since the book Meta-art has been written and assembled by Mick van Schooneveld the incredible magnitude of the above mentioned mistake has become clear beyond any kind of doubt.